Programa do Seminário APESB – Plano Ação para o Biometano | 28 Maio 2024

EVENTO APESBNovidadesReviews
No âmbito da sua atividade, a APESB está a organizar o Seminário – Plano de Ação para o Biometano (PAB 2024-2040), a decorrer já no próximo dia 28 de Maio, entre as 10h e as 13h, na ETAR de Alcântara (apenas formato presencial, em língua inglesa).
Dada a recente aprovação do referido PAB e as oportunidades que assim surgem no setor das águas e resíduos, entendeu a APESB que seria proveitoso organizar um seminário onde profissionais do setor, provedores de tecnologia e demais parceiros pudessem apresentar resultados das suas experiências, o potencial das referidas tecnologias e discutir as potenciais dificuldades e limitações.
A participação no seminário é limitada. Pode fazer o seu registo aqui.
Esperamos por vós!
Conselho Diretivo da APESB
Prof.ª Nídia Caetano
Our Speakers:
René Rosendhal, Vice-Chair of WGL-ISWA, and Senior Project Manager, AV Miljø and Partner at Danish Waste Solutions (Denmark)

Rene’s work involves landfilling of waste, management of contaminated soil, and C&D waste. He is skilled in Re-use, Recycling, Circular Economic, Sustainable Development, CSR, Environmental Issues, planning and execution of field studies aimed at assessment of environmental impacts from landfills including planning and implementation of monitoring of leachate and groundwater, and assessment of potential recycling of resources from deposited waste (i.e. Landfill Mining, landfill gas projects and biocovers).
Cristiano Amaro, Head of Biomethane at Capwatt
Cristiano Amaro, began his career as a Production Engineer, focused on the continuous improvement of industrial processes. In 2010 joined SONAE, where he has been working at Capwatt.
His career has included the development, internationalization, construction management and operation of industrial units for decentralized energy production, such as biomass and natural gas cogeneration plants, as well as photovoltaic solar parks. He is currently Head of Biomethane at Capwatt.
Daniel Esteves, Sales Engineer @ SYSADVANCE
Specialized in the adoption of renewable energies in the international energy transition, with about two decades of experience in energy efficiency and management alongside renewable energies and business development. With a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and a postgraduate degree in Commercial Management and Sales, his activity at SYSADVANCE focuses on commercial planning and execution with high added value in the biogas/biomethane, CO2, hydrogen and helium sectors, in the European and Asian markets.
Mathilde Baudry, VEOLIA
Mathilde Baudry is a chemical engineer with a decade of experience in the field of anaerobic treatment of industrial effluents and biogas upgrading.  Currently, Mathilde holds the position of Process Manager at Biothane in the Netherlands, where she continues to apply her extensive knowledge and experience to drive innovation, optimize processes within the company’s operations with a customer focus approach.

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